We help make online shopping more convenient by providing coupons & deals.

CouponGali has been operating since 2022.

CouponGaliis getting more users daily by its attractive deals & discount coupons on various brands, and it has office in Delhi. It offers coupons from more than 2,000+ online shops, including Ferns and Petals, Snapdeal, Amazon, MakeMyTrip, PayTM, and BookMyShow, among others.

CouponGali is growing to be the largest discount and offer destination in India. As a result, you can save money by using CouponGali coupons, offers, deals, and discounts from big online shops and websites.

In addition to the merchant discounts, CouponGali also offers reliable cashback on all your purchases. We provide daily discounts to sweeten the online shopping experience. Our goal is to educate people to make the best possible decisions.

We Are On A Mission

Beyond listing local businesses in our global marketplace, we believe that local businesses are the backbone of every successful community. Our teammates work tirelessly to help them expand their reach and gain new customers. To accomplish this, CouponGali connects businesses to our enormous customer base of millions of active consumers.

Our team members around the world and across a wide range of global fields are working to improve the variety and quality of services we provide on our online marketplace. We’re dedicated to supporting local businesses around the world by connecting customers with our business partners anytime, anywhere.

What We Do?

CouponGali can be your secret weapon to score everything on sale. After all, who doesn’t love walking out of the store with a steal of a deal? Remember you don’t necessarily have to sacrifice quality to meet your financial goals. Navigating through the Best Deals and Coupon Codes from all top retailers in India you can cherish your savings through these coupons on all your purchases.

At CouponGali we help shoppers looking for a quick and easy way to online coupons and deals. We search for the best deals and offers across various sections of the retailing industry and present them to our shoppers.

This in turn helps them to make better shopping decisions and save more using our deals and offers. We understand the essence of saving money and that is why we do not let our grip lose in our dedication, persistence and perseverance to find the best to be the best.

How To Use Coupon Codes?

Picking the right coupon or deals at CouponGali is also extremely easy. For starters, you have to create your free CouponGali account; this gives you access to our exclusive deals, offers & coupon codes.

Then search for your favorite store in the “All Stores” tab or look for the options in the “Shop by Category” tab. This will take you to the selected store page on our website. On the store page, you will find both coupons and deals. To use the coupon code, just click on the “Reveal Coupon” button to view the coupon code, the code is automatically copied to your clipboard.

Click on “Go to Website” and you will be redirected to the merchant’s website in a new tab through an affiliate link. Now add the products you want to buy to your cart; paste the coupon code and apply the same at the merchant’s website. In case you pick a deal, no need to come back to copy and apply the code. The retailer will automatically apply the discount on the checkout page on meeting the terms and conditions of the deal. Happy Shopping!